Monday, 13 June 2011


After the early morning on the patch, later that day in the afternoon i dropped into Earlswood lakes after the gardening job to see what was about,
From the car park at engine pool i noticed that most of the terns were over windmill pool, so i headed over there. I was standing on the Cway scanning through the terns when i was drawn onto a Gull hawking low over the water.
the 1st bird was quickly joined by a 2nd bird, both of which were in full summer plumage, both birds did regular quite close flypasts, but due to the wind, digi scoping and digi binning was ruled out, so i simply held my little camera up and hoped.
(Photo of little gull and my drawing of the Gull)
We watched the birds as the drk Mandarin once again cae really close to the Cway, Insanely close infact.
(This is the mallard the bird has been seen to have a sexual relationship with)
(Mandarin and drk and fem Mallard on rocks below the cway)
We watched the gulls for some time, and as time progressed, an ARCTIC TERN joined the 10 or so flock of Common tern over the lakes, it wasent seen to leave however it wasnt seen again.
At upton Warren in the evening, the only bird of note was a singing Cuckoo.


Tim Jones said...

Cracking drawing Craig!!! Keep up the hard work! Nice one

midlands birder said...

Cheers tim, I also drew a perched Iccle Gull on a boyd which i think was slightly better but the drawing wasent as nice composition,