the lesser redpoll again briefly in the AM, also a coal tit, a nuthatch and 9 goldfinch, 37 canada's in the vismig field and a kingfisher on the small pool again
at about midday i heard news of a flock of 32 crossbill at eyemore wood which martyn found a few weeks previous, but had substancially increased, so my only reaction was to get up there,
on arrival it was raining( not heavy rain though) and the light was poor, we decided to walk along the road and listen for the birds( this is about 1:30pm) about 10 metres down the road, we found the flock,but now there was 42 of them.all plastered in the top of a tree( not a larch), but then flew onto a nearby larch to feed. they shown very well althogh the light was very poor. i took the opportunity to get a few crap photos and videos: here is a few:
a male bird.
while watching these bird i heard a call one which i found quite easy to recognise but of a species i have yet to see, my dad possibly saw a HAWFINCH fly over,i will not count a record like this, my dad wasent sure so the record is nothing.
and on the way out we stopped and had a scan over some adjoining fields near the villiage and wassel wood which looks over towards the clee hills, i very briefly saw a small raptor flying back towards the reservior( frikkin hell i spelt it, i think), my dad saw it with better views and said it was no less then a female merlin, what a fitting end to a good visit
i'm very jealous of your crossbill sighting! i heard there was a group of them in the forest near where i live a few months ago, but i couldn't find them. stunning birds eh!
crossbills are stonking birds, great to see
if you was jealous by this post wait for the next post later tonight, it will blow your mind
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