Wednesday 5 October 2011


All activity was at Blackstone, i hadent got down to the patch for some time, so even though i only had 20 mins before dark, i decided to give it a go.
I quickly spotted 2 GOOSANDER on the rocks below the bridge but walked on very quickly, ,lots of space to cover.
At the usual spot, i picked up 4 Mandarin in the shodows of the overhanging trees, hardly visable, at this point i heard a familiar call come from somewhere, i heard a TEAL!A i scanned up the bank ans squinted really hard looking for a tiny duck in the non existant light, and i found it, a female TEAL!, the first i have ever seen 'on the deck' on that patch, and the first this far north up the patch.
I was treated to stunning views of both Pipistral and possibly greater horseshoe bats and while watching thes flying feet from my head, i saw a GREAT CRESTED GREBE on the river, again, as with the TEAL, abit of a MEGA at this time of year, but i decided to head home now as it was extremly dark,
A LITTLE OWL and 2 TAWNEY OWL were heard calling.


Jason K said...

Teal is a good patch tick...nice one. Along that stretch of the Severn I guess they are fairly scarce

midlands birder said...

Yes, they are really scarce on the patch, i think ive only ever recorded them 3 or 4 times in 9/10 years!