With Birdlife becoming a bit scarce, i decided to do a little butterfy/drangonfly watching or whatever you call it.
However that doesnt mean there wasnt birds around.
I will start with the bird news.
On the Feeder a Juv Siskin was feeding:
But the Highlight was where i was told about a breeding pair of mandarin on the patch AGAIN,
a different pair to the Blackstone pair, this one had hatched 4 Chicks, but by the time i saw them (2 days after they were first seen) there was only 3 chicks, all going strong on the riverbank.
I had Around 45 Mins sitting with the Female Mandarin and her 3 Chicks, at quite close quarters.
Look how cute the Chicks are:
And the Mother Panting in the intense heat.
Firstly the Mandarins were on the opposite bank, but they soon swam over towards me, and preened on the bank around 3 Metres from me!!!!
On the insect front, i was looking for one thing in particular, i had been told some info off Jason K ( Shenstone Blog) of where to find Scarlet Tiger moth on the patch, I didnt actually walk as far as where he said he knew there was some,
On the way up the river bank, i was looking out for Comfrey plants as this is where i had been told to look, and it wasnt long before i spied 2 Scarlet Tigers perched on the plant.
The patch was absolutly teeming with Butterflys
100C Ringlet
100c 'White' Butterflys
30c Skipper sp
8+ Small tortoiseshell
20c Marbled White
10c Meadow Brown
5 Green Veined White
1 Small Copper
I took many photo's ( mostly of the gorgeous Marbled whites)

Also around were a few Damselflies.
2 Beautiful Demoiselle
Loads of Banded Demoiselle
10c White Legged Damselfly,
There was also many others which i couldnt Identify